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Tell me if this sounds familiar…
You’ve got the perfect prospect ready to cross the finish line…feeling great about things, and just as you’re ready to close – radio silence.

You’ve been ghosted. Now, what?

1 – Get comfortable with the idea that ‘no’ isn’t about you as a person. And, ‘no’ right now doesn’t necessarily mean ‘no’ forever.

2 – Check your sales process. Make sure YOU are in control of the prospecting process (and not the prospect). What did you miss? How can you change your communication with the next process?

3- Follow-up. There’s so much power in the follow-up, so make sure you and your team have a system for that. Use a video or picture for greater impact.

It’s normal to get ghosted (a few times), BUT it’s not normal to have it happen over and over again. With the right sales and communication in place, you can create an environment where you don’t have to get stuck being ghosted again.

“Great salespeople are relationship builders who provide value and help their customers win.”
Jeffrey Gitomer

SMYKM// Show Me You Know Me

What’s the secret to building relationships in sales and moving beyond the processes?

It’s all about personalization.

Customers want and expect personalized sales experiences from businesses and brands. Jeriad Zoghby, global personalization lead at Accenture Interactive, says, “If you can’t personalize your experience, you risk becoming a commodity.”

Essentially, customers want to be in control of their sales experience.

Here’s what I mean…

Which coffee shop would you rather regularly patronize?

Coffee Shop A:
You visit at the same time, daily. You always order the same thing. The baristas are welcoming, they always greet you when you walk in. The coffee and food never disappoint. You’re in and out (when there’s no line).

Coffee Shop B:
You walk in, the baristas greet you by name. Before you can get through the line, “your” barista gives you a wink and head nod signaling your drink and your meal are being prepared. As you leave, you hear, “See you tomorrow, Lawrence.”

Of course! Coffee shop B. We like how they make us feel. Sam who makes our drink “knows” us.

Check out these articles to learn more about the idea of SMYKM // Show Me You Know Me:

77% of buyers don’t feel as though sales understand their business, according to Accenture.

Being a Student of Your Craft

Here’s the bottom line…

Sales and relationship building are skills that need to be taught. Jim Rohn says, “Practice is just as valuable as a sale. The sale will make you a living; the skill will make you a fortune.”

At S&P, we look at sales with an additional lens and include a heavy focus on relationship (soft) skills within our consulting. How we communicate is key. Did you know 85% of a successful business is relationship skills?

The design and structure of what we offer come from three key areas: Psychology, Sales Knowledge, and Communication (verbal and nonverbal). We provide a new roadmap and techniques on how to communicate and have success in the sales space.

As a consultant directly working with management and your sales team we give your company more bandwidth to focus on what you need while giving you tools to hit your target goals. For management, it can be difficult to keep up with current sales trends or really help their team with small tweaks that can make the biggest changes; that’s where we come in through:

  • Corporate consulting, working with your company ongoing
  • Keynote speaking at events and industry associations
  • Sales meeting training, adding value to your monthly/quarterly/yearly team meetings
  • 1:1 training with team members

Let S& P help you give your team the support they need through training that works!

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