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Top 10 Communication Tips

Creating a better meeting experience creates increased engagement.

4 Pillars: Think | Listen | Speak | Non-Verbal


60% of time spent is preparation


How do you want people to feel after a meeting?


Listening is the art of understanding what is beyond the words


Watch when you listen.


Summarize back what you have heard


Ask more questions. Use “Tell me more”


Say their name. Use collaborative words (us, we, together, partner)


Posture creates engagement. Power pose before meetings


Hands are trust factors! Wave, show them, use reaction buttons


Eye Contact creates oxytocin.. the happy drug

Step-by-Step Guide: Handling “No” from a Client

Statistics show that clients typically say “no” before making a purchase. According to research conducted by HubSpot, 80% of sales require five follow-up calls after the initial meeting, and 92% of salespeople give up after the fourth “no.”

However, effective sales is not just about persistence.

Follow this step-by-step guide to handle “no” from a client while building trust and fostering good communication:


Acknowledge and Listen: When a client says “no,” take a moment to acknowledge their response and listen carefully to their concerns. Demonstrate genuine interest in understanding their perspective.


Don’t Take It Personally: Remember, a “no” is not a rejection of you as a person, but an opportunity to address concerns and build a stronger relationship.


Seek to Understand: Ask open-ended questions to uncover the reasons behind the “no.” This will provide insights into their needs and concerns, allowing you to tailor your approach.


Address Objections: Address the client’s objections empathetically and provide valuable solutions. Offer clear and relevant information to help them make an informed decision.


Offer Alternatives: If the client’s needs don’t align with your current offering, be flexible and explore alternative solutions that may better suit their requirements.


Stay Committed: Maintain consistent follow-ups and continue building rapport. Show that you genuinely care about their success and are dedicated to finding the best solution for them.


Provide Value: Share relevant content, case studies, or success stories that demonstrate the value of your product or service. This helps establish trust and credibility.


Be Transparent: Be honest about the benefits and limitations of your offering. Transparency builds trust and reinforces your commitment to their success.


Focus on Long-Term Relationships: Instead of viewing the “no” as the end, see it as an opportunity to nurture a long-term relationship. Show your willingness to assist them whenever needed.


Graciously Accept: If the client remains firm in their decision, accept their response gracefully and professionally. Leave the door open for future interactions when circumstances change.

and the most important one…


Genuinely care! Prepare and then prepare some more before you reach out to a client. Find out what triggers their interest, what anxieties they’re currently facing, what they’re looking for and how you could be truly helpful to them. Remember to stop selling to start selling.

Reach Out and Let’s Make It Happen!

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