For business and sales, whether real or perceived, summer always has a “chaotic” feel to it. And it makes sense, we have vacations, kids are on summer break and it’s nice out.

It is also Q3, remember that this is a great time to click the mini reset button and give your business some TLC to make a big impact for the rest of the year.

Here are 3 Steps That You Can Take to Maximize Your Mid-Year Reset.

1. Set & Reset

What do your goals look like for Q3? Do they need to be adjusted? We all usually have a $ goal, do you also have activity goals for the quarter? Make your life easier and set activity goals weekly/monthly/quarterly to help you exceed your $ goal.

Those who set goals increase performance by 30%.

2. Refresh

Do a good scrub of your contacts within your CRM. When was the last time you reached out to those potential clients?

Remember on average it takes 8 follow up calls to connect with a prospect.

3. Create

Are you utilizing email templates or have a common format you use? Time to create new ones! Keep the goal in mind of driving the conversation forward when formatting these. Focus on their needs, be inquisitive and ask questions that lead to response. (I know you know this yet how many times do we start an email with “I hope this finds you well”:/)

Recipients decide whether your emails are attention-worthy in 0 to 3 seconds.

“We do not learn from experience. We learn from reflecting on experience.”
– John Dewey

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